We believe there are more than enough resources out there – we just don’t have enough people inspired to tap into them.
All coaching packages include:
– Personal development program that provides choices for frequency of coaching sessions.
– A comprehensive leadership assessment and report as well as a 360º assessment.
– Support to pick the most important behaviors for change – ones which will give you the most return for your investment and increase your effectiveness as a leader.
– A continuous follow-up plan for you and your co-workers to equip you with a safe process for listening to ideas and to check on your actual vs. perceived progress.
– A process for measuring change in effectiveness over time.
Individual Coaching & Professional Development Package
Who is this for?
Chief Executives, Executive Directors, Staff, and Board Leaders.
What is it for?
Individual coaching available for the incoming and the outgoing, the stagnant and the introverted.
We also welcome the curious, the frustrated, the life learner, and the ambitious.
How long does it take?
Normally, individual coaching takes about six months to a year (it depends on how fast you learn and/or how bad you think you’re messing this thing up).
How much does it cost?
Fees are invoiced monthly and range from $500 to $2,000 (plus travel if appropriate). Assessments are priced individually.
Individual Leadership Assessment Tools (we use the best in the industry)
– Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment (MBTI)™
– CPI 260® Assessment
– StrengthsFinder 2.0
– Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO-B)
Team Coaching Package
Who is this for?
Intact Teams (Chief Executives, Executive Directors and Management), Team Members, Boards of Directors.
What is it for?
Coaching available for the overworked and the slightly misunderstood, the under paid and the committed. Those that give away more than they make as well as any person who picks up stray animals, children, lost causes, or men (is that redundant?) are especially welcomed.
How long does it take?
Typically, team coaching lasts six months but we’ve been asked to move in by almost everyone.
How much does it cost?
Fees are invoiced monthly and range from $1,500 to $4,000 (plus travel if appropriate). Prices range according to size of staff and scope of work.
Team Assessments Tools (we use the best in the industry).
A majority of our assessments can be done on-line.
– All leadership assessments for individual team members (MBTI, CPI and FIRO assessments)
– The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Team Assessment
– The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
Considering coaching? Our advice
and some common questions.
Swimming is one thing. Diving, flipping and
avoiding those hooks is another – you need help.
We’ve heard from a lot of nice folks who disagree with us – – but at Blackfish, we believe effective leaders are made, not born. Most of the people that contact us for coaching are already leaders. Now whether they think of themselves that way or whether they are good leaders or disastrous leaders is at the heart of the matter. Some leaders are reluctant. They realized things could be better and despite warnings from the fish they were with started swimming toward new seas. One day they looked back to make sure there weren’t any sharks behind them and noticed a whole school of fish following – now what? Other leaders know who they are and recognize the need for continuing and intentional development. Still others notice negative patterns or habits in their leadership and can’t figure out how to change.
I’m not a big fish, a gold fish, or a rich fish.
Good. We’re not interested in ego or power but we love heart and influence. We have been fortunate to have coached people who have gone on to achieve incredible results in their professional and personal lives. But we are most proud of the diversity of our clients and their commitment to leadership through serving others. Many have been well known executives of multi-million dollar organizations who desired to achieve better results in the workplace, but just as many have been ordinary people wanting better time-management skills in order to balance volunteer and work life, or a new program director wanting to improve communication skills. No matter the goal, our clients share certain common characteristics – – a visible passion, incredible dedication, and a commitment to achieving whatever they set out to accomplish.
How does it work? Is this like Biggest Loser?
Coaching is fun because it involves a heightened sense of self-awareness and a discovery process that many people have never experienced. But it is often hard work. As you progress in coaching you begin to move forward and deepen your understanding of how you make choices and how those choices are defining your personal and professional path. Our coaching helps close the gap between how you see yourself and how others perceive you. Identifying unhealthy habits, reflecting on recurring obstacles, and confronting your saboteur patterns takes courage and determination.
We aren’t saying it will be easy but when the waters get cold and you feel like you’re not making enough progress, we will be there to hold your gills and keep you moving forward. And yes, it sometimes involves standing in your under-clothes on a platform on national television with a digital scale behind you (not really). Clients who have participated in coaching with us achieved great results and increasing levels of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. You should expect the same so contact us and take a big step toward investing in the most valuable asset you will ever have – you.